Harjoitteluhaku on nyt auki - ruoka- ja puhtauspalvelualan opiskelija, tule meille harjoitteluun!


Kesätyöhaku on nyt auki - hae meille kesätyöntekijäksi!

Avoimet kesätyöpaikat

Telephone and transport services

We take care of 200,000 important contacts every month

In our telephone and well-being services, we develop and produce solutions that make the city’s services available to all Helsinki residents. We handle some 200,000 important contacts every month in our telephone services, providing our services every day and hour of the year.

Among other things, we are responsible for forwarding calls on the city’s telephone exchange and providing call-back services in health centres, and we serve as the city’s internal expert and consultant in telephone systems and applications. Together with our contract suppliers, we also develop mobile solutions and smoother processes by utilising software robotics, for example.

The customer service centre of our Helsingin Matkapalvelu transport service is responsible for arranging approximately 70,000 monthly journeys for clients of the Social Services and Health Care Division.

Explore our job opportunities!


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